Wellbeing through nature

Wellbeing through nature

Spending time in nature is good for us
Forest Holidays

Spending time in nature is good for us, and so is spending time with other people. We know this intuitively and science backs it up. At Forest Holidays, we bring these positive influences together and we are in a privileged position to help to contribute to a happier and healthier society.

The benefits of nature

Studies show that nature is good for our mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. It can relieve stress, calm anxiety and help with depression. It gets us exercising - improving heart health, respiration and circulation as well as boosting the immune system. It can connect communities and combat loneliness. 

Our guests tell us that these effects are tangible even within the space of a short break. The local communities that we are part of feel it too, as we are located on the Public Forest Estate which is open to everyone to enjoy.



Forest Ranger, Gerry

Forest of Dean

Life today is so frantic that spending time in the woods helps to press the pause button. We’re all inherently part of nature so it’s important that we get back into it to recharge and reconnect. Walking in the forest can help to clear the mind, ready to face the next day.

  • 80% of us live in towns and cities

    80% of us live in towns and cities

    With 80% of us living in towns and cities, our connection with nature is lower than ever.


  • Children play out 50% less

    Children play out 50% less

    Our children play out 50% less than we did. Stress, fatigue, anxiety and depression are all increasing.

  • It's time to return to nature

    It's time to return to nature

    Have you ever seen an owl in the wild, gazed at the night sky without light pollution, or walked through a wood, carpeted with bluebells? 

Forest Bathing activity at Blackwood Forest, Forest Holidays

Reconnect with nature on your Forest Holiday

What wellbeing through nature means to Forest Holidays

For us, the forest is an exciting adventure that we want to share with people. We encourage our guests to experience and explore the nations forests, National Parks and other special landscapes across the UK.

Our guests genuinely feel a reconnection with the natural world that is restorative and uplifting. There is a sense of nostalgia as they watch their children get muddy and happy, and they tell us they leave with a renewed interest in nature.

True to our purpose, our holidays are immersed in nature, our Forest Rangers help guests to understand and appreciate the life of the forest, and our unpackaged offer gives people the time and space to renew their connections with each other.

Forest Holidays is also leading the way in the UK as the only holiday company with team members who have had extensive training in the ancient Japanese art of shinrin-yoku, or Forest Bathing. As qualified Forest Therapy guides, they can take you on a Forest Bathing experience that can boost your immune system, lower stress and give you a profound sense of calm.

Trees have the power to calm us, to reduce our heart rate, to lower our blood pressure but why are we so tuned into nature ? Dr Ryan Lumber from the Nature Research Connectedness Group explains how our bodies and minds benefit from time in woodland environments.


TripAdvisor reviewer

Keldy, North Yorkshire

Absolutely loved it, such a relaxing place, loved the low key and relaxing atmosphere, listening to the birds, watching the deer, the lovely walks.